There are poverty-stricken people whose circumstances do not allow them to benefit by our education and livelihood assistance programs. This population includes the elderly, handicapped, people suffering from illness, those care giving for others, and even the homeless. For these people, day-to-day survival can be a tremendous challenge. This is why we offer charity to those who need it most.
Goals & Current Projects
Assistance with Food and Household Essentials: We operate a program each year during the holidays to distribute packages with basic foods and essentials, such as cooking oil, sugar, dried fish, and soap, to aid individuals who otherwise would likely go without. Since this projects inception, the number of recipients has increased each year.
Warmth to the Homeless: Among the impoverished people of the world exists the homeless. We operate a program to collect donations of new and used blankets and sleeping bags. During the winter months, we distribute them to homeless individuals.

The food distribution started about 10 years ago with only 5 families, comprising of elderly people who had no way of providing for themselves. Over the years the number of families needing help and referred to members of BAOBAB STRONG has increased immensely up to 100 families in 2014.
I remember 2 years ago we were deciding on whether to continue with this program or just cancel it due to fewer resources at the time. But after hearing back from the families that have been helped and how the packages came at a desperate time for them and were truly a Godsend, we decided to continue. It is truly a blessing to have BAOBAB STRONG adopt this program and continue the good work of supporting the community.
Everyone who received help was so very thankful.
Hezekiel Gumbo